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Individual calculations for pipes, partial resistances, geodetic height and energy balance for compressible and incompressible fluids.

Piping System Calculations

Pressure loss calculation

Individual calculations for pipes, partial resistances, geodetic height and energy balance for compressible and incompressible fluids.

  • Enhanced flow resistance database according to I. E. ldel'chik “HANDBOOK OF HYDRAULIC RESISTANCE“
  • Pressure loss with NPSH calculation 
  • Graphical support

Support of two-phase flow conditions according to three different calculation methods:

  • L. Friedel “Improved friction pressure drop correlation for horizontal and vertical two phase pipe flows” European two phase flow group meeting, Ispra, 5-8 June 1979
  • H. Müller-Steinhagen – K. Heck „A Simple Friction Pressure Drop Correlation for Two-Phase Flow in Pipes” Chem. Eng. Process., 20 (1986) 291-308
  • Homogeneous flow model

Pressure surge

  • Calculation for single-run piping systems which end with a control valve, as a function of the closing time and the valve characteristic
  • Valve database and graphical support


  • Calculation of basic values, such as the surface area, volume, flow velocity and Joukowsky peak

Pipe wall thicknesses

  • Calculations optionally according to:

EN 13480 (2002)
ASME B31.3 (2016) 
DIN 2413 (2011)

DIN 2413 (1993)
DIN 2413 (1972)

  • Pipe bends with or without a constant wall thickness can be calculated for pulsating and static loads in addition to straight pipes
  • Pipe materials in accordance with EN 13480:2002 can be selected from a user extensible Material Database and you can also calculate all relevant parameters, such as tensile strength, creep rupture strength and yield strength.

Pipe compensation

  • Calculations for L and U-bends, changes in length, pipe support loads and stress limits

Span calculation

  • Calculation of the individual weights (pipe, medium, insulation)
  • Span calculation taking account of sag
  • Pipe materials in accordance with EN 13480:2002 can be selected from a user extensible Material Database